The Foundation

The Foundation is located in Lonato del Garda (Brescia) and was founded by the Senator Ugo Da Como (1869-1941).
Created thanks to a Royal Decree in 1942, it is today a private institution, but entirely opens to the public.
The Foundation’s Statute aims to “promote and encourage the studies, to inspire love for them in the new generation” and its activities are to preserve the historical, librarian and artistic collections and the architectonical monumental heritage.
It institutes scholarships and master classes, promotes publications about the Brescian territory and the Lake Garda area.
The Foundation refer to an exceptional monumental complex that includes the Museum-House, called of the Podestà, the Visconti-Venetian Fortress and a group of ancient building located in the medieval village of Lonato.
The Museum and the Fortress which houses the Civic Ornithological Museum are open to visitors all year; the Library and the Archives are available to scholar by appointment.